Celebrating more than 50 Years!
Troop 1533 is a vibrant BSA troop based in the Fairfax/Mantua area of Northern Virginia, part of the community for over 50 years and also one of the first troops in the area to provide options for both boys and girls.
We utilize this website, which provides overview information as well as password-protected planning and communication resources for our scouts and leaders, to inform parents, Scouts, and potential new recruits.
About Troop 1533 - Scouts BSA Troops for Boys and Girls!

Troop 1533 follows the principles of a youth-led troop and operates by the Patrol Method. Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), with the support and insight from the Troop's Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters, plans and executes all the Troop's activities including troop meetings, campouts, and summer camp. In Troop 1533, we believe in an environment where scouts can learn and have fun at the same time.
Weekly Meetings
Troop 1533 meets every Tuesday from 7:15 - 8:45 PM, either at Mantua Elementary School (2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of the month) or the Arlington-Fairfax Elks Lodge (1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month). Note that we normally do not meet when schools are closed (holidays, teacher workdays, snow days, or during the summer).
Learn More!
To help familiarize interested parents in our program, we have attached our New Parents Guide to this home page. We welcome you to investigate and join our troop.
Interested in Joining Our Troop?
Troop 1533 participates in the On-line Registration Program with BSA. To inquire or register for the Troop, please complete the registration on the BeAScout site. As of January, 2024 we are listed as "Troop 1533 Optimist Club of Central Fairfax."
Have general questions?
- For boys troop questions, please contact Mark Oesterreich, Scoutmaster.
- For girls troop questions, please contact Jamey Royse, Scoutmaster.
Difficulties Accessing the TroopTrack Website?
If you are a registered leader or member and need assistance with your website account, please contact our troop for additional information.
Please note that in order to maintain the privacy of our members, we will follow-up on inquiries to join the Troop or website via the "Contact Our Troop" link only when they are accompanied by the following information: name, phone number and neighborhood in which the Scout lives.